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Reasons to choose McMaster’s eHealth MSc program…

As a student in McMaster’s eHealth MSc, you are exposed to three fields of study:

  • Health Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Business

The eHealth MSc program’s interdisciplinary approach exposes you to coursework, projects, and research that will help you discover areas of eHealth that you find compelling. Your classwork allows you to explore everything from healthcare reform and transformation, to security and privacy of information, to wearable technologies and health system efficiency.

Broad course content and options let you explore the use of modern information and communication technology to meet the needs of healthcare stakeholders, allowing you to view challenges and opportunities in the sector through the lens of multiple disciplines.

Classes in the program are offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, and the DeGroote School of Business. All three faculties are among McMaster’s most prestigious, and are highly respected in Canada and internationally.

More Reasons


Application Cycle:  September 15, 2023 – January 14, 2024

Admissions Webinars:

Sheila Richardson and Margaret Leyland will share information about the program, the internship, and the application process.

Please review the material on the How to Apply website before you begin your application.

Read about the application process and admission requirements on the eHealth website.